Fiance visas for the partners of U.S. citizens.

Get your fiance visa without losing your time, money, and peace of mind.

America's immigrant system is hard and scary. You need to get a fiance visa so you can begin building your life together. At Clarity Legal, we've built our system to get you the result you need without extra stress, confusion, or wasted money.

Sarah Leon, CEO and Principal Attorney of Clarity Legal, PC

I am a California-licensed attorney authorized to practice immigration law anywhere in the United States.


 I get fiance visas for partners of U.S. citizens.

Right now there is a lot of “what if?” in your mind.

  • What if we put the wrong information on the form?

  • What if there is something we don’t understand?

  • What if something goes wrong?

I’ve worked with many families just like yours to get results.

  • Case study: M’s wife didn’t show up to his green card interview because she was gambling his money away. His marriage green card was denied and he was at risk of being deported. Solution: We applied for a green card under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) because of the abuse that he received in his marriage to a United States citizen. Today he is a green card holder and has been able to travel back to his home country of Nepal to see friends and family.

  • Case study: Y and J, a newly married couple, were scheduled for a green card interview on the first day of the coronavirus pandemic shutdown. Their interview was cancelled and the interpreter they had hired would not refund their money. Solution: When their interview was re-scheduled a few months later, I provided an interpreter to them so they could go ahead confidently. J’s green card was approved.

  • Case study: M was assaulted at her job but law enforcement wouldn't sign a U Visa certification. She was unable to apply for the U Visa without the certification. Solution: I went around the law enforcement agency and asked a local judge to certify. M was able to apply for her U Visa.


“Hi Sarah, it’s Ron, thank you so much for being so responsive and gracious with me on Zoom. I appreciate all the information and help you gave me with [my fiancée’s] immigration situation. I have passed on to her all the valuable connections and info you have sent to me… You were invaluable concerning us getting together in the future. Thank you so much again.”

— Ron from Loomis, California

What to expect when working with us at Clarity Legal

Step 1: A personalized case plan.

I will review all the unique facts of your case to find risks and opportunities, then create a case plan just for you. Your plan will include important dates, people, documents, and to-do tasks. Your instructions will be ready for you immediately.

Step 2: High-tech, human-powered process.

Clarity Legal uses the best technology available combined with great people to deliver excellent client service. Meetings, messages, document sharing, and signatures all happen right on your smart phone.

Step 3: When problems come up, we solve them.

Your personalized case plan plus our systems and technology are designed to prevent problems. But problems with immigration happen all the time. When they come up, we solve them. Preventing and solving problems means less stress, time, and money for you.


Ready to get your fiance visa without losing any more time, money, or worry?


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