How we’re working with you during the coronavirus pandemic

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, one of my most important goals has been to keep my staff, my clients, my own family, and our whole community as safe as possible. This has required a lot of changes to the traditional law firm work model. But making those changes has come with some great benefits for my team and my clients.

  • No in-person meetings. Even with masks, holding prolonged in-person meetings during the coronavirus creates a large transmission risk. Instead, we are holding meetings on the telephone and over video chat. This includes consultations, classes, and even court appearances.

  • Communication tools. Because we are not able to meet in person with clients, it’s extra-important that we use the best communication tools, systems, and protocols possible. We have ethical responsibilities to our clients when it comes to communication: 1. To keep your information secure and confidential, and 2. To competently communicate with you about your case. The communication tools we use are chosen to help us fulfill those duties to you.

  • Working from home. All staff are provided with the equipment and training they need in order to work from home. So no one has to risk their health in a crowded workspace.

  • Cloud-based technology. All the software and tools that we use to get our work done are in the cloud. This allows us to give our clients access to their personal case information on a computer or mobile phone, anywhere and any time. It also means our team can work from anywhere, any time we need to. And our clients’ data is secure from natural disaster, which is an increasing threat in California’s modern wildfire climate.

If you’re ready to start your case now, we’re ready to work with you, during and after the coronavirus pandemic.


Question: What’s the difference between a “permanent resident” and “citizen” of the United States?


U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez resumes some services for immigrants